Sometimes I will get rejected, but I can find ways to win. If I get denied and I react by crying, going in the corner to hide, and running away, that’s losing. It’s important to deal with rejection because in life I can’t avoid people. There’s people everywhere! The sooner I can deal with people the more I can deal with people problems when I grow up.
If I am sick or injured and I need to go to the nurse’s office and the teacher doesn’t let me go, I have to find the real reason why I have been rejected. In the past I solved problems by screaming, yelling, and poking the adult to get their attention. Now I realize that she saw me, but the problem was she wasn’t truly listening. So I have to get her to actually listen so I tell her, “The fact that you are busy right now still wouldn’t keep you from listening to me for a minute”. I have to ask correctly and find the root problem. Screaming isn’t a good way to resolve anything. Finally, at the nurse’s office, the nurse said I have 24-hour flu. Then I stayed home the next day to go to the doctor and I lost my voice and I caught a cold by the end of the week.
I don’t always get things I want. There have been times when I go to the store and I ask for a toy. My mom says “No!” I have to anticipate hostility and I have to prepare for rejection. I asked again and she still said “No!”. So now, I ask “why not?” I want to find the real reason why I can’t have it now! So she told me I can get the toy on my birthday or when I get good grades on my next report card. The point is I kept on negotiating. I said to my mom, “I understand you only give me a toy on my birthday. But the fact is the toy is on sale today and it always get sold out if you wait too long, would it makes sense to buy it today?” Then she has nothing to say, and she bought the toy for me! My strategy was to get her to agree she does want to get the toy for me. Then I just have to get her to agree on why it benefits her to buy me the toy today.
If my friend is mad at me and he doesn’t want to play with me anymore, then I will make new friends. I have to do all the introducing all over again to make new friends while trying to find what is wrong with my old friend. I told my friend, “Just because you are playing with your best friend, it wouldn’t keep you from playing with me would it?” I said “you know I’m fun to play with, there is no need to have separate time with each other. “ Now we all play together as on big group.
People can sometimes get rejected. So you have to learn to master rejections. My solutions are to ask questions to find out what’s the real rejection, negotiate, and find new friends while still trying to deal with the old friends. It is important that I evaluate the people to see if they are worth my time. It is also good to be honest and evaluate myself. Do I really want that toy? Do I really have a flu? That’s how I deal with social situations. I will end this essay by saying in order to get everything you want, you have to be able to understand people. Wouldn’t it be great to be able to get anything you want even though you may not even really want it?