The Positive Dog Book
Can you believe I read and finished reading a book for adults? This book is simple to read so I read it to become more positive and to have quality in my life. This book is Wall street journal best seller, it’s called “The Positive Dog” by Jon Gordon. After I finished the book in 1-2 days, I read an hour every day, I thought it was fun and interesting to learn about positivity. There are two cute characters in this book. You‘ll love them too.
There is a dog named Matt. He is always talking about the past, being negative. He always dwells about the past and how he never had an owner and lived his whole life in a shelter. Bubba is another dog at the shelter. Bubba tells Matt that his biggest problem isn’t that he never had an owner, but that he is a negative thinker. Bubba becomes Matt’s teacher about positivity. He asked Matt some questions like what positivity he can find in certain situations. Slowly Matt changes.
One of the lessons Bubba teaches Matt is that there are two dogs in everybody. There is a positive dog and a negative dog. He has to feed the positive dog. And he should try to starve and weaken the negative dog. To feed the positive dog, Matt can try to smile more often, laugh and enjoy being tickled, play and feel grateful. To feed the negative dog, Matt can continue doing what he had been doing which is talking about the past, not having faith in himself, and saying things like I can’t do this.
On the first day of Matt’s training, Bubba asks Matt to try to think of one positive thing from a sad event so when the rest of the customers go home and none of them get picked, instead of being sad they can think of positive things. Matt realizes when everyone goes home he can nap. Also if it is dinner time he can eat free food and they are not starving or dying of hunger. So that’s something to be grateful for. In the morning they eat again for breakfast, more free food! Matt realized he was luckier than he thought. Matt started aiming to be more positive and even looking forward to thinking more positive.
Bubba is an older, wiser, and more positive dog than Matt. His past changed his life. The past is important because it changed his mindsets and now he teaches other dogs how to be positive. There was a fire and it separated him and his owner, that’s why he is in the dog hound. At least he survived. Now that’s something to be grateful for! He made a promise that if he survived, no matter what happens after, he will help others who are hopeless to have hope.
Matt is negative. He is also a young dog, but he takes a lot of blessings he has for granted. He never got picked to be adopted and go home with somebody. He is angry that he only knows shelter as home. But he’s so ungrateful! Why? He should be thankful for everything in his life, big or small. At the shelter at least it is better than on the street. Matt is too picky. At the shelter he gets free food, free comfortable bed. The shelter bed is better than anything else Matt could ever make himself if he was homeless on the street. What would you use or find to make a bed? Would it be clean? Would it be dry? The same goes to his food, Matt does not know how much worse things could be.
This reminds me of a kid in my class. His name is Ethan. Ethan is like Bubba because he is always being positive and he teaches a few other people how to be positive. He is always smiling. He always encourages us to be more positive and never give up. Everyone at school likes Ethan because his personality is like Bubba’s personality. He attracts many friends, I always look to hang out with him at recess and sit next to him in class.
I recommend this book because it teaches you how to be positive. Positivity makes you feel good and happy. It makes you more successful in life. It has many benefits.