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What Is Peace?

A value that is important to me is peace. What peace means to me is quietness, being nice, being helpful, sharing, playing with others and just being cooperative with other people. Doing all these things will keep things peaceful. The opposite of peace is destruction. That's bad because when people destroy stuff, and people are hurt, the world is bad place to be in. No one would want to live on earth again. I don't know how to make the world more peaceful when I grow up, but I know how to be peaceful now. I can be quiet, be nicer, help the people and share with everyone. Also, I can let my dad finish his meetings and not bother him until it's over. Then I can scream and annoy him as much as I want! Just kidding! I can do chores without my mom needing to ask me. I can help my grandparents by helping them walk by holding onto them, and helping them reach stuff. At school, I can help my teacher by being quiet when it's not my turn, or at least raise my hand to talk instead of oversharing all the time. This is what my teacher says about me on my report card, and then my mom gets angry, so I have to end this behavior. I'm actually not getting better at oversharing, so I keep causing a lot of disruptions in my classroom. To make my teacher more pleased with me, I should work on being more peaceful and only talk when my teacher's not talking. I always talk when she's talking. I know I should stop doing that. Then the classroom will be more peaceful. My brother will not be mentioned in this peace story because he is mean to me. In the future, whatever I am doing, I can always make sure I am peaceful to everybody. Anyone can be more peaceful. Being nice is something anyone can do no matter what their age or their job. You can be a nicer parent, a nicer surgeon, a nicer police officer, a nicer fire fighter, a nicer friend and even a nicer bully. Then you won't be a bully anymore! The world will be a better place when everyone works hard at being more peaceful with other people.

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