Magical Blue Dandelions
If I can change something about the world, I would like to make all dandelion wishes come true, but only to good people. In order to know if they are a wishing type of dandelion instead or a regular dandelion, the magical ones will be the color of blue. This type of dandelion is very rare. They are their own type of dandelion. They give out wishes to good people and the wishes will come true. If every wish came true, some bad people may take all the dandelions and wish to kill some people. So the dandelions have to protect their magic. In order for a wish to come true, the wish should not be about hurting people. If you are a bad person the dandelion will know because it reads your mind and sees whether your wish is safe or not. If it is not a safe wish for everyone, the dandelion will put an invisible force field to block you with defense. The wish can be about helping the poor. Another good thing is to give the dandelion to other people. You can help people feel better with your wish. Also, you can help people instead of helping yourself. But once people find out that they can get wishes to come true from these special dandelions, then greedy people may take them all. But that will make them selfish, which is bad, so their wish won't come true. Good people will leave some for other people. The wishes cannot include wishing to kill, wishing to embarrass others or to hurt people. Or else, any negative wish won't come true. It's because the little dandelions don't want to hurt people or make earth a bad planet. They want to make the world a better place. What if people wished for the same thing? For example, if I wished for my mom to not be so tired because she works hard every day, and then my dad wishes for the same thing, and my brother wishes for the same thing, and finally my mom's mom wishes for the same thing, then the wish has a multiplying effect. So my mom would have 4 times the energy and she can fill out 5 paper sheets in 5 seconds at work, and then she can come home early to spend more time with us or have more free time for herself. Also, she wouldn't have to sleep for 2 days. She would only need to sleep for 10 minutes! That is what I would do if I could change the world. I'd make a few dandelions magical. They would know how to protect themselves from bad wishers, selfish people, and they would make similar wishes come true in an even better way. Then people would be happier and the whole planet would be happier. And this would make life easier for good people. If you found a magical blue dandelion, what would you wish for and why?